Important Aspects of a Civilization

Civilizations. Our Societies. There are many aspects as to what makes a civilization thrive and grow to become more powerful. Without these aspects, civilizations of the past, would never have grown. Some of these aspects can still be found in modern day life. Here, I will explain the different aspects of a civilization and their […]

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Learning Chess

Chess has been one of my biggest learning goals during this Summer Vacation. So, I have been studying it every morning, and now I think I have improved in it by a large mark. Now, in this page, I am going to explain the various strategies, checks, and mates that I’ve learned in the past weeks.

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Let me C

For the past few weeks, I have been read a book called Let Us C. It was written by Yashavant Kanetkar. Let Us C talks about the extremely popular programming language known as ‘C’. I have read 8 chapters of it. Here are my descriptions of each of the chapters from 1-8. THE FIRST CHAPTER […]

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The Art of Thinking Clearly

Away from the class, I’ve started reading a book called The Art of Thinking Clearly. It was suggested by my Dad that I should start reading it. It was written by Rolf Dobelli. He explains common errors in decision making, and how we can correct them. The errors stated by Dobelli are illustrated using accurate […]

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Comparison: Greater Than

In the most recent class, we were assigned to write a program that prints the greatest number of ten numbers entered. The both of us found this very hard to do so my Dad simplified the assignment and said we would have to compare 2 numbers entered by the the user. In the beginning I […]

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Programming: My first Experience

In the most recent class, I had my first experience with programming. Now, I didn’t go on my desktop to program. I programmed in real life with my friend. What I had to do was instruct my blind-folded friend in the simplest instructions on taking the dictionary off the table, and put it on the […]

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Operating Systems

What is an Operating System? An operating system is a software that basically runs the computer. It has many jobs. It is also a software in which the end user instructs the computer. Some examples of operating systems are Microsoft windows, Linux, Mac OS, and Android.   Features of an Operating System It is an […]

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