Learning Chess

Chess has been one of my biggest learning goals during this Summer Vacation. So, I have been studying it every morning, and now I think I have improved in it by a large mark. Now, in this page, I am going to explain the various strategies, checks, and mates that I’ve learned in the past weeks.

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The Art of Thinking Clearly

Away from the class, I’ve started reading a book called The Art of Thinking Clearly. It was suggested by my Dad that I should start reading it. It was written by Rolf Dobelli. He explains common errors in decision making, and how we can correct them. The errors stated by Dobelli are illustrated using accurate […]

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Night School

Every day at around 8:00 in the night, my friend comes over. Me, him and my dad spend one hour learning about things in the area of science, and programming. In this blog, I am going to review what what what we have learned so far. Programming Hardware and Software In programming, we have learned […]

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